The present rules cannot work satisfactorily as long as the detective agency continues to
be as small as it is; the present strength consists of 5 constables who do the actual work of
detection, and it is impossible for these 5 men to detect and prevent European soldiers from
having clandestine intercourse with unregistered women over an area of 14 square miles. This
has been felt by the Lieutenant-General Commanding the Forces, and he has moved the Lock
Hospital Committee on the subject, and has promised his support to any recommendation they
may make for an increase of the detective agency. A meeting of the committee was held on
the 28th November 1878 and the subject discussed. It was admitted that the strength of the
detective agency was insufficient and must be increased, but to what extent has not as yet been
settled, but I have reason to believe a recommendation to double the present strength will be
made immediately.

Extract from the Annual Medical Report of the Lock Hospital, Bellary,
by Surgeon D. P. WARLIKER.

Strength of Prostitutes.
Remained on the register on the 31st December 1877   119
Registered during the year 1878   47
Total   166
Number who removed their names, absconded and died   58
  Do. remaining on the register on the 31st December 1878   108
Number of Sick.
Remained on the 31st December 1877   27
Admitted during the year 1878   378
Recovered   315
Absconded from the hospital   35
Died in hospital during the year   7
Remaining in hospital on the 31st December 1878   48
Daily average number of sick   54.58
Average number of days in hospital   52.96
  RS. A. P.
Average cost of each patient in hospital 8 9 1
      Do.        do.           do.   for contingencies 2 13 4
British Troops.
Average strength during the year   870.25
Number of venereal sick remained on the 31st December 1877   27
      Do. do. admissions into the hospital during the year   255
Remaining in hospital on the 31st December 1878   15
Ratio of admissions per mille of strength   293.02

      The following tabular statement has been prepared from the venereal returns regularly
received from the British troops:—

Regiment. Period of
Strength during
the Period of
Number of Admissions from Venereal
Diseases during the Period of
Ratio of
per 1,000
of Strength for
Period of
43rd Regiment
43rd Regt. L.I.
   until 23rd
   March 1878.
870 Primary syphilis 166  
Secondary do. 19  
2-13th Regi-
   ment L.I.
Gonorrhœa 70  
2-13th Regt.
   L.I. arrived
   23rd March
  Total 255 293.10
B-6th and G-6th
  Deduct cases contracted at other
  B-6th R. A.
   until 21st
   Oct. 1878, &
   G-6th R. A.
   arrived 16th
   Oct. 1878.
  Balance number of cases con-
   tracted at Bellary