prostitution immediately without reporting the fact to the authorities; she had to be brought on
the register for a second time. The reasons for withdrawal from the register are thus explained
by the Cantonment Magistrate:—

1. Number permitted to withdraw their names on the score of leaving
the Cantonment
2. Do. do. removed—vide Rule 14 of the Lock
Hospital Rules
3. Do. do. married 6
4. Do. do. died 11
5. Do. do. deserted 75
6. Do. do. expelled 1
      Total 132

      It may also be here noticed the existence of a defect in respect to grant of leave for speci-
fied periods to prostitutes to go out in the country. In some instances these women, after
obtaining permission to leave the station, of which due intimation is given to the medical officer
in charge of the lock hospital, they do not avail themselves of it, but remain at home and carry
on their calling without being subjected to examination. Cases of this nature have come to
light when it was found that the women have been communicating disease till they were
detected. These irregularities would seem to call for more strict police surveillance and for
more severe punishment. Women whose names are removed from the register for either of
these reasons should be made to find sufficient money or other security for due fulfilment of
their obligations.

      The registered prostitutes are made to attend the Lock Hospital on the appointed days,
when they are examined and detained if found diseased and treated till their recovery.

      The extent to which venereal disease prevailed among the women will be found from
the following comparative table of admissions into hospital during each of the twelve months of
1877 and 1878:—