Extracts from the Annual Medical Report of the Lock Hospital at Bangalore by
Surgeon-Major W. PEARL.

Strength of Prostitutes.

Remained on the register on the 31st December 1879 ... ... 101
Registered during the year ... ... ... ... ... ... 22
Total ... 123
Number who have removed their names or absconded ... ... 26
Died registered prostitutes ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Remaining on the register on the 31st December 1880 ... ... 94

Number of Sick Registered Prostitutes.

Remained on the 31st December 1879 ... ... ... ... 37
Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... ... ... 712
Recovered ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 715
Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Remaining in hospital on the 31st December 1880 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34
Daily average number of sick ... ... ... ... ... ... 37.63

Number of Sick, Unregistered Prostitutes.

Remained on the 31st December 1879 ... ... ... ... 3
Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 60
Recovered ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52
Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Remaining in hospital on 31st December 1880 ... ... ... ... 11
Daily average number of sick ... ... ... ... ... 6.67

      There has been no change in the hospital accommodation during the past year. The
Europeans and East Indians have ample room in two wards, one 26 feet long and 18 wide, the
other 18 feet square. For natives there are three wards, each 56 x 18; they are all well
ventilated and the floors kept clean.

      There has been a diminution in the number of cases of primary syphilis accruing among
the British troops stationed at this place, while on the other hand gonorrhœa has increased.

      The Superintendent of Police keeps a register of all brothels and prostitutes within an
area of 14 square miles, as specified in the Special Contagious Diseases Act sanctioned for
Bangalore ; the same applies to prostitutes who consort with Europeans. The female keepers
of brothels under 40 years of age must also be registered. Tickets are given to all registered
women, and they are bound to attend at the hospital for examination at least once a week, their
absence being reported to the Superintendent of Police. If contaminated in any way they are
detained in hospital for treatment. In 1879 the committee recommended that the detective
agency, which then consisted of 1 European Chief Constable and 5 Constables, should be
increased to one Inspector and 12 Constables. This, however, was not considered desirable
by the Madras Government, and it ended in an order from the Government of Mysore,
No.9,008/J-189 ,dated 10th March 1880, withdrawing all police agency hitherto employed for
enforcing the provisions of the Contagious Diseases Act in the town and cantonment of