
Statement showing the Extent of Venereal Diseases among European Troops in the Madras
Presidency during the Year 1880.

Stations. Average strength Number of Admissions from Venereal Diseases for
Period of Occupation.
Deduct cases contracted
at other places.
Balance Number of Cases Ratio of Admissions per
1,000 of strength for
period occupation.
Primary syphilis. secondary syphilis. Gonorrhœa. Balanitis. phimosis and para-
Bubo. Gleet. Epididymitis. Total.
Bangalore .. .. 1,258 294 63 166 7 1 4 2 4 541 8 533 430.04
Bellary .. .. 376 89 22 43 8 .. 5 13 5 185 55 130 492.04
Cannanore .. .. 481 37 4 51 .. .. .. .. .. 92 12 80 191.26
Kamptee .. .. 770 42 5 60 7 .. .. 2 10 126 20 106 163.63
St. Thomas' Mount   .. 344 67 9 82 1 .. .. .. 2 161 7 154 468.02
Secunderabad   .. 2,530 317 94 367 16 3 5 25 6 833 18 815 329.24
Wellington .. .. 517 33 17 42 4 .. .. .. .. 96 13 83 185.68