5. Statistics of sickness amongst the women.—The following table shows the
numbers treated, the average daily sick, and the average stay in hospital during the
past five years:—

Years. Number treated
Average daily
Average stay
of each case
in hospital.
1882... 2,372 132.10 20.32
1883... 2,611 158.92 22.21
1884... 2,911 170.78 21.47
1885... 1,880 113.85 22.10
1886... 2,451 183.38 27.30

    This table cannot be considered comparative as the statistics of the Lock
Hospitals at Bellary and Cannanore are for only portions of the years 1885 and
1886, and those of the Belgaum Hospital are included in the figures of 1886 only.
If these institutions be excluded for both years, then we have for the year 1886,
number treated, including "remained," 1,722; average daily sick 115.02; and
average stay in hospital 24.38; against 1,709, 104.33 and 22.28, respectively, in
1885, or an increase during 1886 of 13 in total treated, and an increase of 10.69 in
average daily sick, and of 2.10 of average number of days in hospital of each case.

    6. Admissions of women for primary syphilis.—The statistics of the past five
years are given in the following statement:—

Years. Total admis-
exclusive of
Cases exclusive
of "remained"
of primary
Ratio of cases
of primary
syphilis per
1,000 of total
1882... 2,222 734 330.33
1883... 2,472 800 323.62
1884... 2,756 663 240.56
1885... 1,733 432 249.27
1886... 2,309 594 257.25

    The increase generally during 1886 over 1885 is again due to the fact that the
hospitals at Bellary and Cannanore were longer in operation during the former
year, and to the statistics of the Belgaum hospital being included in its returns.
By excluding these three institutions, the admissions during 1886 for primary
syphilis were 417, and the total admissions for all diseases 1,607, and the ratio of
cases of primary syphilis per 1,000 of total admissions 259.48 against 416, 1,602
and 259.67, respectively, in 1885.

    7. Relation of admissions for primary syphilis amongst European troops to the
admissions for the same disease in Lock Hospitals.

Years. Admissions for primary syphilis.
European Troops. Lock Hospitals.
1882... 789 734
1883... 927 800
1884... 776 663
1885... 494 432
1886... 637 594

    The admissions into Lock Hospitals are again influenced by the statistics of
these institutions at Bellary, Belgaum and Cannanore, and those amongst British
Troops partly by the inclusion of the troops serving in Belgaum, but chiefly by the
fact that certain diseases, which were formerly classed as primary syphilis, are no
longer included under this head.