19. General Remarks.—The noticeable feature in the working of the Lock
Hospitals was the re-opening of these institutions at Bellary and Cannanore, the
former on 13th March and the latter on 15th July 1886. This procedure was
rendered absolutely necessary owing to the great prevalence of venereal diseases
amongst the troops at these stations. As the Lock Hospital at Belgaum has
been ruled to be a military institution, its statistics are this year embodied in the
return. The chief, if not the sole, interest in these institutions lies in the effect
they bear on the prevalence of venereal disease amongst the European Troops,
and after the experience gained by the temporary closure of these hospitals at
Bellary and Cannanore, it must be conceded they exercise some beneficial
check upon the transmission of venereal disease and in repressing to some extent,
their severity. More than this cannot be expected so long as the Contagious
Disease Act is so inefficiently carried out.

I have the honor to be,


Your most obedient servant,


Offg. Surgeon-General, Her Majesty's Forces.