results in the end. The excessive use of charas
produces insanity. I have seen many cases of
insanity through charas smoking. I have seen
cases in which insanity was reinduced.

58. In my opinion the present system of excise
administration in respect of hemp drugs is work-
ing very well. No better system seems to me to
be possible. If illicit trade or smuggling is prac-
tised to any extent, it is detected sooner or later
and the culprits are punished. What else could
be done ?

59. This question has been answered under
question 58. Coutrol is exercised by issuing cir-
culars from time to time.

60. Ganja is not produced in this province;
hence there is no control of its preparation.

61.Similar to the above, i.e., charas is not pro-
duced in this province.

62.As a general rule, the plant is not cultivat-
ed in this province for the production of bhang,
If it were so cultivated, a control similar to that
over the cultivation of poppy would do.

63. None.

64.None; the regulations work well.

65. In my opinion the taxation is reasonable.

66.In my opinion there should not be different
rates. The import and export duty should be
uniform. The duty on production where ganja is
produced must of course be different. The
import and export of drugs is conducted under
passes, and the rates of their duties, etc., should
be uniform.

67. I have no objection. The heavier the duty
the less will be the use of the drugs.

68. All these drugs are sold at the shops of
licensed vendors.

69. The wishes of the people are, I think, not
consulted in any special manner ; nor is it neces-
sary to do so. When this is done, it is done
openly. No complaint has ever been heard.

70. There are, in my opinion, no such facts
which call for attention. Duty is levied on all
sales and purchases that take place openly.
Smuggling is also practised, for it is impossible to
absolutely check smuggling. It is adequately

27. Evidence of MUHAMMAD BARKAT ALI KHAN, KHAN BAHADUR, Retired Extra-

                                          Assistant Commissioner, Lahore.

1. Although I have no personal experience, yet
I had several opportunities, while in the service
of Government, of seeing some friends and the
residents of takias and dharmsalas as well as the
habitual moderate and excessive consumers use
charas and bhang, hence 1 state below whatever
I know about the drugs in question.

2.It is not usual to consume ganja in this
province, and therefore I can say nothing about

3. The wild hemp plant grows in abundance in
the Gurdaspur and Hoshiarpur districts, and it is
known by the following names in the Punjab :—
Bhang, buti, sabzi, sawi, sidhi, bijia, jungle buti,
sukha, and sardai.

6.Generally dense.

7.Hemp plant is not cultivated, and the wild
plant is used as bhang, sukha, etc. The bhang
seeds are used in medicines by native physicians.

8. The increase or decrease of growth depends
on rainfall.

14.(c) Bhang is prepared from the dry leaves
of the hemp plant.

15. Bhang is ground with water and then
drunk, or the compound called majum is prepared
from it. It is not used for smoking.

16.Well-to-do consumers consume bhang at
their houses, and common people at dharmsalas
and such other places.

17.Excise contractors purchase bhang from
ocalities where it grows in abundance.

18. I know nothing about ganja. Charas keeps
good for one year; during the second year it loses
its effect partly, and during the third year becomes
useless, in consequence of the heat in the plains.
Bhang does not deteriorate for five years if pro-
tected from drenching.

19. Charas is generally smoked by means of a
huka or chillum.

20. Among Hindus, sadhus, fakirs, purbias,
grass-cutters, and dhobis, and among Muhammad-
ans, takiadar fakirs and their associates; bad
characters, pickpockets, bards, and musicians
smoke charas. I do not know their correct num-

22.Foreign charas imported from Yarkand and
other northern countries is used in this country.

23.Bhang is not smoked in this province.

24.People generally drink bhang, but in rare
instances it is eaten also. I cannot state the exact

27. Among the consumers of bhang, chiefly
musicians, dharmsalias, suthreshahis, Brahmans,
Sikhs, takiadars, etc., have the hereditary habit
on account of company.

28. The highest cost per diem of bhang is one
anna and the least three pies.

29. The ingredients mixed with bhang are
aniseed, pepper, almonds, seeds of poppy, musk-
melons, lettuce, and chicory, cardamoms, milk,
sugar, or salt.

30. The habitual consumers of bhang consume
the drug in solitude out of necessity, otherwise in
company at takias, dhasmsalas, and such like places.

31. The habit of using bhang is formed by the
company of consumers. It is not so difficult to
break off the habit. There is a tendency for the
moderate habit to develop into excess.

33. Among the Hindus on the occasion of the
Shib-chaudas festival in the month of Phagan the
use of bhang is considered complusory as a reli-
gious custom, and it is used moderately, which is
likely to lead to the formation of the habit. On
the occasion of Hindu fairs bhang is generally
consumed, which may prove injurious.

34. To the habitual excessive consumers of
charas and bhang it would mean some privation.
I cannot state the probable numbers.

35. Prohibition would be difficult unless en-
forced by law. The import of charas from foreign
countries should be stopped on the border.
Bhang, which grows spontaneously in this prov-

                                    * Transition.

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