124                 A TREATISE ON ELEPHANTS.

External applications : blisters.—Blisters are substances which
when applied to the skin cause irritation, raise it and give rise to
blebs containing an amber-coloured watery-looking secretion.

Objects for which used.—(1) To raise the vigour of the circular
tion of the affected part by establishing a degree of irritation or
inflammation of the skin.

(2) To stimulate the absorbent vessels of the part and by so
doing cause removal of effused fluids.

Instructions on their use.—(a) Never apply a blister to an
abraded surface or to a part when inflammation, that is heat, pain
and tenderness exist. Wait till all inflammation has been subdued
through the agency of other means.

(b)   When the blister has acted wash off with soap and tepid
water, then apply vaseline or sweet oil to the surface.

(c)   Never apply a blister at the bend of a joint.—If desirous
to apply one in the vicinity of a joint, it is necessary to protect the
bend by first smearing plain vaseline into it, or better still, paint
the skin with a saturated solution of resin in methylated spirit.

When using fluid blistering agents, place a little cotton wool
below the part to be blistered to absorb the drip. Apply with a
brush or dab on with a cloth.

The size of the blister will depend on the condition to fee treated.
On the loins, for the kidneys, or injury, it may be a foot square
on each side. Around sores a ring is applied 2 or 3 ins. broad
close to the wound but so as not to enter it. The blistered
surface should be covered over with a piece of paper or cloth and
protected with a rug to prevent the animal getting his trunk or tail
smeared with any of the blistering agents. The mahout should
remain with the elephant till blister has acted and been washed


Biniodide of mercury......

½ oz.

Iodine .........

½ OZ.

Potassium iodide .........

½ OZ.


4 ozs.

Wallis Hoare.


Biniodide of mercury......

1 part.

Lard, vaseline or ghee......

8 to 12 (1 to 8 is a
strong blister, 1 to
16 mild).


Iodine ointment......

1—25} Equal

Biniodide of mercury ointment...

1—18 parts.

Very useful for chronic hard swellings.