126                           A TREATISE ON ELEPHANTS.


Boracic acid (powdered).


Oxide of zinc.........

} Equal parts.



Powdered catecho.



1 part.

Boracic acid.........

8 parts.

Iodoform, one part, may be added to three parts of any of the
above except the last and will tend to keep away flies. Lint,
gauze, tow, cotton, wool, medicated with antiseptics such as carbolic
acid, boracic acid, corrosive sublimate, eucalyptus, iodoform, are
largely employed in dressing and protecting wounds from air, dirt,
etc. Carbolized tow is inexpensive and most useful.

Embrocations or liniments are local agents used for stimulating
the skin and subjacent parts in sprains, enlarged glands, etc., and
require to be rubbed into the affected parts for ten to fifteen
minutes once or twice a day.

Solution of ammonia, which is much used in the preparation of
embrocations, is made as follows :—

Liquor ammonia (fort)

... 20 ozs.

Distilled water

... 40 ozs.

                  (a) Ammonia liniments.


Solution of ammonia......

1 oz.

Olive or sweet oil......

2 ozs.

Mix and shake well.


Solution of ammonia......

} Equal parts.

Olive oil or other sweet oil......

Oil of turpentine .........


Liquor ammonia (fort)......

1 part.


1 part.

Sweet oil......

4 parts.

Shake the oil and ammonia together well and then add the turpentine and
shake again.

(b) Compound liniment of camphor.



1 oz.

Methylated spirit......

4 ozs.

Olive or sweet oil......

1 pt.

Solution of ammonia......

2 ozs.

Dissolve the camphor in the spirit, shake the olive oil with the ammonia and
mix well.