224             A TREATISE ON ELEPHANTS.

discharge may be observed issuing at the junction of the nails and
skin and also from beneath them. These cases are at times trouble-
some, especially when there is much discharge from under the nails.

Treatment.—Cleanliness and keeping the feet dry is essential.
The affected parts should be thoroughly washed at least once daily
with some antiseptic lotion, and dressed with iodoform ointment,
dry calomel, carbolic acid ointment. As the case improves tar
dressing may be applied.

Most affections of the feet are due to want of proper care and

                GUNRUSS AND CHOWRUNG.

These are terms applied by native mahouts to certain affections
of the feet. In the former, only the fore-feet are attacked ; in the
latter, the limbs and all the feet are involved.

Gilchrist and Hawkes state that the condition known as gunruss
supervenes in some animals that have been allowed to take their rice
during the time they were eating earth. It is manifested by stiffness
and a turning outwards of the feet, but except in severe cases
locomotion or efficiency of the affected animal is not impaired.

Chowrung—Is an aggravated form of the above. It may arise
from chills or from crossing rivers when the body is heated.

Treatment—Is to avoid the causes such as mentioned. The
patient should be protected from cold, rain, and given stimulants.
and good food. Many of these cases are probably rheumatic.