PARALYSIS.                                    257

Symptoms.—A difficulty of movement, swaying and dragging of
the hind-quarters and loss of power in them. The animal may fall
and if he does is often unable to rise again.

Treatment.—Give a smart dose of physic ; fomentations to the
loins to which extract belladonna or ganja may be added should be
applied. Blistering the loins (see Formulæ 54 to 56). Belladonna
internally 2 drachms twice a day, and later tonics, such as nux
vomica and iron, arsenic (see Formulæ 39 to 46). Iodide of potas-
sium, 2 drachms twice a day, may in time bring about recovery.
The rectum should be emptied by hand when necessary.

                    REFLEX PARALYSIS

Is a similar condition to the last, but brought about by causes
not affecting the spine directly, but indirectly through nerves con-
necting it with remote parts. Severe constipation, worms and
indigestion may produce this condition, which is usually trifling and
amenable to treatment directed to the removal of its cause. Should
the condition not be better in a week or so, advantage may be
derived from the application of a blister to the loins and its subse-
quent repetition if necessary. Tonics, especially nux vomica and
arsenic, are useful.

                 PARALYSIS OF THE TRUNK.

Loss of power in this important organ must necessarily lead to
starvation, unless special means are taken to ensure the affected
animal being hand-fed, and also that he be taken to water deep
enough to enable him to drink with his mouth.

Causes.—Paralysis may be met with in cases of advanced debi-
lity, or come on as a complication of sunstroke or apoplexy. It is
clear that the most humane way of dealing with such a case is to
destroy the animal.

Treatment.—If it is decided to treat the case, it will be neces-
sary to see that the animal receives ample nourishment and tonics,
such as nux vomica, arsenic, sulphate of iron (Formulae 39 to 46).


Causes—Seen in some cases of advanced debility.

Symptoms.—The ears droop downwards and forwards and are

Treatment.—As in the last.
