ANTHRAX.                                    297

skin covering the enlargement, a true anthracoid tumour presented
itself. The same jelly-like exudate occupied a space of about 8
inches by 6 inches.

" The blood in the veins was of a dark, tarry consistence and
colour, and in almost all the veins a certain degree of coagulation
had taken place. Only the normal quantity of fluid in the abdo-
minal cavity. Peritoneum healthy, mesentery congested. Spleen
of a dark colour, with considerable bloody spots and blotches all over
its surface. The same deposit alluded to before existed between
the layer of membrane attaching it to the stomach. On removing
the spleen from the body I found it weighed 37½ lbs. On cutting
into its structure, and on withdrawing the scalpel, the blade had
adhering to it a thick layer of blood as dark as ink. The gland
could easily be broken down by pressure of the linger.

"On the under surface of the stomach, close to the pyloric
orifice, I found a patch of the size of a dinner plate consisting of
the same kind of deposit as I noticed in the tumour. In the tissue
under the loins I also found the same thing to exist. Above the
penis another large tumour was found.

" Intestines and kidneys healthy. There was a slight deposit
in the substance of a lung which, to a certain extent, blocked up
the bronchial tubes. A large quantity of frothy mucus was found
in the windpipe and large bronchi, yet there was no symptom of
breathlessness noticed before death.

" On laying open the pericardium (bag of the heart) my
attention was arrested by the large quantity of fluid which was
contained in the sac. From a careful but rough calculation, I
came to the conclusion that it contained from 35 to 40 ounces of
serum, possessing more the colour of venous blood slightly diluted
with water than true serum. The external surface of the heart
presented a peculiar appearance. Intensely dark blood spots
studded its surface—some of the size of a rupee, others the size of
an eight-anna piece, and others still smaller ; these were particularly
numerous on the right auricle.

" The horizontal and vertical grooves of the heart were filled
with peculiar jelly-like deposit. Large clots in right heart and
pulmonary artery and none in left. Although it is a remarkable
fact that in anthrax the blood is generally found in a fluid state,
I did not find this to be the case in the present instance. There
was no unpleasant odour from the body, although the post-mortem
did not take place until fifteen hours after death."

These are the leading post-mortem appearances noticed by me :—

Post-mortem No. 2 on an elephant that died at 10 A.M., 29th
of June 1878, after two days' illness. Body examined seven hours