Anatomy of generative organs of mare and cow.
      Obstetrical physiology.
      Œstrum, Fecundation, Sterility.
      Generation, with signs and duration of pregnancy.
      Hygiene of pregnant animals.
      Diseases incidental to pregnancy.
      Accidents of pregnancy.
      Normal parturition.
      Obstetrical operations.
      Accidents and diseases after parturition.
      Diseases of young animals.


      Selection of sires and dams.
      Lactation and weaning.
      Rearing of young stock.

            Hygiene and Stable Management.

      Introduction.—Objects and definitions.

      Water.—Quantity, impurities, its sources and varieties. Effects
of impure and insufficient supply.

      Air.—Ventilation. Quantity of air required. Cubic space. Ship
ventilation. Composition, Impurities, Diseases due to impure supply.

      Food.— Classification. Diseases due to poor and improperly pre-
pared food, underfeeding and overfeeding. Vegetable and animal
parasites. Grass. Hay. Straw. Grain. Oil-cakes. Preservation
and preparation. Silage Principles of feeding.

      Stables.-Soil, Aspect, Locality, Fittings, Flooring, Dimensions,
Mangers, Construction, Removal of Excreta, Drainage.

      Grooming.-Clipping and singeing. Care of feet. Stable rou-
tine. Clothing. Bedding.

      Work.- Saddles, Harness, Pack Saddles, amount of exercise.

      Hygiene on Boardship, Slinging, Embarking and Landing.

      Disinfection.—Means to prevent the spread of contagious diseases.