The Rinderpest serum is now being prepared entirely by the
new methods and the results of the tests of each brew show
that it is of much higher potency than in previous years.
This serum was tested by the Egyptian Government on their
cattle with satisfactory results, and the Laboratory has been
requested to supply that Government with a large amount
of serum.

         The demand of Rinderpest serum increases each year,
and by the erection of a Laboratory at Bareilly, to include
serum preparation, provision is being made to meet all

         Dr. Hartley's resignation is to be regretted, but it is
expected that a suitable staff of well-trained officers will be
appointed during the present year. The work of the Labora-
tory has reached proportions greater than the present small
staff can continue to cope with.

                                    J. D. E. HOLMES, Major,

                                    Imperial Bacteriologist.