from the blood by a new method of clotting was compared
with that given by centrifugalisation alone and found to give
superior results. A report of the method has been submitted
for publication by Dr. Norris.

       A number of serological observations were also made by
Dr. Macalister with the view of ascertaining whether the
potency of anti-rinderpest serum could be determined by this
means instead of having to employ numbers of hill bulls for
the purpose, as at present, but so far the results have been

       34. Anthrax and Hæmorrhagic Septicœmia. The long
series of tests, carried out with a variety of drugs, to ascer-
tain their effect on the course of these diseases, have been
discontinued for the present as the results were not sufficiently
pronounced in any case to justify further experiments.

       The immunizing effect of dead vaccines, prepared in various
ways from cultures of the organisms, was tested, both in the
case of anthrax and hæmorrhagic septicæmia, with the
object of finding a safe method of giving protection against
these diseases for a longer period than is possible with anti-
sera or the present hæmorrhagic septicæmia vaccine. The
results in certain cases were encouraging and it is proposed
to continue the experiments along these lines.

       Dr. Macalister has commenced a series of observations on
the standardization of the anti-sera of these diseases, but the
investigation of certain biochemical questions in this connec-
tion has been interrupted by the transfer of Dr. Norris
to military duty.

       35.  Kumri. The investigation into the etiology and
pathology of this disease has been continued by Dr. Macalis-
ter; a preliminary report of the results arrived at up to the
present time will be submitted shortly.

       36.  Strangles. A large number of inoculation experi-
ments were carried out at the Army Remount Depôts at
Mona and Sargodha, but as the disease did not make its