sera is three times as large as that of anti-rinderpest serum,
the total quantity of serum prepared was actually 482,315
cc. more than the total for 1914-15, itself a record year.

       In addition, the issue of hæmorrhagic septicæmia and
black quarter vaccine showed a large increase over 1914-
15; special vaccines and ophthalmic mallein were issued for
the first time and the output of ordinary mallein was but
little short of that for the preceding year.

       On account of the numerous changes in the staff and the
difficulties connected with the water and fodder supplies,
defective centrifuges, and delays in the delivery of glass-
ware, etc., from England, the maintenance of the large out-
put from the Laboratory imposed a considerable strain upon
all members of the staff concerned.

       During my absence from Muktesar in the winter, the
routine serum and vaccine preparation was under the direct
charge of Dr. Macalister, and I am greatly indebted to him
for his willing co-operation at all times.

       The three European Laboratory Assistants have discharged
their responsible duties with care and thoroughness and their
services are fully appreciated.

       Mr. Goffi while acting as Farm Manager has displayed
energy and tact in carrying out the duties of the post; as
a result a welcome change has been produced in the work
of the farm staff and the condition of the estate.

       I also wish to record my appreciation of the services of
Rai Sahib Pandit Krishna Nand, Office Superintendent,
whose long experience and knowledge of the office work
and local conditions, have been of the greatest assistance
to me in dealing with the many difficulties of administra-
tion encountered during the past year.

                                                          A. W. SHILSTON,

                                                     Assistant Bacteriologist,
       In charge of the office of the Imperial Bacteriologist.