November he toured in company with the Chief Superin-
tendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Punjab, to demon-
strate the method of collecting material for the diagnosis
of dourine.

       After this Mr. Shilston visited Military Dairies at Sita-
pur and Cawnpore for the purpose of inoculating cattle, and
at the end of November he saw the Agricultural Adviser to
the Government of India at Delhi.

       During the 1st and 2nd week of December, Mr. Shilston
visited Allahabad and Agra Dairy Farms to inoculate dairy
cattle there, returning to Muktesar on the 12th December.
On the 5th January he again went down to Bareilly and
from there visited Karnal to inoculate dairy cattle. From
the 19th January onward he toured in the Madras Presi-
dency with the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Depart-
ment, Madras, at the request of the Madras Government, to
enquire into the question of suppression of rinderpest in
that province. Between the 3rd and 7th February he in-
oculated cattle at the Military Dairy, Bangalore, and subse-
quently visited Belgaum and Bombay.

       Dr. Macalister carried out investigations in connection
with Kumri in Assam and toured there with the Super-
intendent, Civil Veterinary Department.


       Rinderpest serum. During the year 1916-17, 1,243,670
doses of anti-rinderpest serum were prepared and 1,409,220
doses were issued as against 1,186,550 doses prepared and
969,460 doses issued during the year 1915-16.

       The increase in the demand was due to the prevalence of
this disease in nearly all provinces.

       The total amount of the bills for sale of anti-rinderpest
serum issued during the year under report comes to
Rs. 1,60,021* as against Rs. 1,09,566, realized during the
previous year.

       * This amount includes Rs. 17,186 realized for the year 1915-16. Bills
amounting to Rs. 16,228 are still awaiting payment and have to be carried over
to next year's account.