CLINICAL NOTES                            165

animals, such as horses and dogs, very early signs of discomfort and pain, whereas
in the indolent ruminant, especially bulls several days may elapse before any charac-
teristic symptoms are noticed.

      On post mortem the bladder which was intensely congested with diptheritic
centres all over was found still full. The whole urinary canal from the bladder to
the end of the penis was dissected out intact and cut open. On the floor of the
bladder were found numerous round bodies varying in size and shape from Snipe shot
to Buck shot with a shining metallic surface (Plate VI). Similar bodies were found
all along the course of the urethra ; and the sigmoid flexure was choked with these
round bodies of varying sizes (Plate VI). One of the largest size was found lodged in
the lumen, 4 inches below the second flexure and this was the cause of complete
blockade of the flow of urine from the bladder. The kidneys were highly congested,
and the cortical portion of the right kidney showed fatty degeneric centres. The other
organs showed more or less pathological changes, and interstitial oedema due to
uraemic poisoning. The death resulted from uraemia from retention of urine in the
bladder for a week owing to the serious obstruction caused by calculi. The calculi
was analysed and found to be chiefly composed of calcium carbonate. These are
due to an excess of salt in the urine caused by drinking water containing too much
lime or eating food too rich in lime and magnesia.

      The calculi weighed 4 drachms and 40 grains. The shining metallic colour
when removed from the bladder was due to the coating of urobilin, the colouring
matter present in the urine accumulated in the bladder. This metallic lustre dis-
appeared after exposure and drying. The indolent habits of Sahiwal bulls serve as
predisposing causes to this trouble. In places where the soil and water are rich in
lime, it is essential to examine the urine of the stud bulls as they advance in age,
and if any deposits or sediments are noticed to give them acidulated water (dilute
hydrochloric acid—2 drachms) in drinking water occasionally. In human beings the
similar deposits occur but generally people drink water after boiling and they take
sufficient acids in their food which cause the calcium salts to dissolve and pass off
in the urine. Plate VI, fig. 1 shows the varying size of the calculi found in the
bladder and all along the course of the urethra and Plate VI, fig. 2 shows how the
sigmoid flexure was choked with these calculi [L. S. JOSEPH].

      The first case of Simple Monstrosity in the Pusa Dairy Herd
            during its existence of over 20 years in Pusa.

                        (With Plates VII and VIII.)

      This was a case of simple monstrosity with combination of the second order
" Nanomelus Brevis " (all limbs and ears and tail short) and third order " Labium
Leporinum " (harelip), with spina bifida (division of the spinal column) and

                                                                                                H 2