Berg (1925). Die Eignung von " Bayer 205" zur Bekaämpfung der afrikanischen Haustier
trypanosomen. Deut. Tier?rzt. Wochen., 33, 561-571.

Brumpt, & Lavier (1923), Mode d'action du " Bayer 205" sur les infections expérimentales a
Trypanosoma equinum et a Trypanosoma pecaudi. Ann. Parasit. Humaine et Comparée, 1,

Bubberman (1931). The Control of Trypanosomiasis in the Dutch Indies. Reports for Sectional
Meetings, 11th Internal. Vet. Congress
, London, 3, 610-611.

Collier (1925-26). On the Combined Action of " Bayer 205 " and Antimony. Revist. de Med. Vet., 8,
119-127. (Abstr. in Trop. Vet. Bull, 14, 85-86 ; 1926.)

Dios (1925). "Bayer 205". Curative and Protective Properties. Revist. Inst. Bact. Dept . Nac. Hyg.,
4, 51-56. (Abstr. in Trop. Vet. Bull, 13, 73; 1925 and also in Trop. Vet. Bull. 15, 6; 1927.
Apparently the same article is abstracted in both the numbers of Trop. Vet. Bull., but in the
latter case, the abstract is entitled " Preventive and Curative Treatment with ' Bayer 205 '. ")

Edwards (1926). The Chemotherapy of Surra. (Trypanosoma evansi) Infections of Horses and Cattle in
India. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 20, 10.71. See also Mem. Dept. Agri. India, Vet,
,4, 1-100; 1928.

Emelin & Zeiss (1928). Die therapeutische and prophylactische Behandlung der Kameltrypanoso-
miasc Su-auru mit Naganol. Rev. Microbiol. Epidemol, et Purasitol., 7,462-463. (Abstr. in
Trop. Vet. Bull„ 17, 111; 1929.)

Haseelbach (1922). Die trypanozide Wirkung von. " Bayer 205" auf Trypanosoma equiperdum.
Centralbl. f. Bakl. 1 Abt. Orig., 89, 48.71. (The article contains illustrations showing the
morphological changes undergone by T. equiperdum in animals treated prophylactically with
" Bayer 205 ".)

Kasai, & Akazawa (1925). The Prophylactic Action of " Germanin" (" Bayer 205") against
Experimental Infection with a Trypanosome of the Formosan Water-buffalo. Tran, 6th Congress.
Far Eastern Assoc. Trop. Med., Tokyo, 1, 1095-1096. (Abstr. in Trop. Vet. Bull., 16, 129-130;
1927. The substance of this article is, it would appear, essentially the same as that of the

Kasai, & Akazawa (1927). The Prophylactic Action of " Bayer 205" against experimental
Infection with a Trypanosome of the Formosan Water-Buffalo. Journ. Jap. Soc. Vet. Sci., 6.

Kligler, & Weitzman (1924). Experimental study of Trypanosomiasis in Palestine. Ann, Trop.
Med. & Parasit., 18, 437-458.
Kligler, & Weitzman (1925). The Mode of Action of "Bayer 205" on Trypanosomes. Ann.
Trop. Med. & Parasit., 19, 235-241.

Launoy, Nicolle, & Prieur (1930). Recherches sur la therapie et la prevention du nagana expèri-
mental de la souris et du chat avec la 205 Bayer-309 Fourneau. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., 23,
630-640. (Abstr. in Trop. Vet. Bull, 18, 109-110 ; 1930.)

Migone, & Osuna (1922). The treatment of " Mal de Caderas" of Equines by means of the
New Product Bayer 205. Congress Nac. Med. Vet. Brazil, pp. 35-37. (Abstr. in Trop. Vet.
Bulk., 12, 43; 1924.)

Rodenwaldt, & Douwes (1922;. Employment of "Bayer 205" for the Treatment of Surra
in Horses in the Dutch East Indies. NederlandschIndiseche Bladen V. Dieregeneesk. en
Dierenteelt, 33, 1-79. (Abstr. in Trop. Vet. Bull., 11, 45-50; 1923.)

Ruppert (1923). Die prophylktische Anwendung von " Bayer 205" bei Trypanosomeninfektion
grosszer Haustiere. Berlin. Tiearärzt Wochen., 33, 369-370.