ANTI-RABIES IMMUNIZAT                          331

of carbolised virus vaccine in ordinary dosage. If, however, the presence of such
detectable rabicidal substances is actually an index of immunity acquired, then
in the present case immunity was already established three weeks after the
commencement of treatment and at the time of second biting by a rabid wolf.
A logical reason for the non-treatment would thus be advanced. Further, accord-
ing to this conception, anti-rabies immunity would actually be highest some two
months after commencement of treatment, and would last in all three months.

Arguing on these lines one might feel justified in advising with LUBINISKI and
PRAUSNITZ that" in the case of a further bite occurring later than three months
after completion of the treatment the inoculation should be repeated, with the
exception of cases which are particularly unfavourable prognostically (head and
face injuries, etc.), in which cases the inoculation should in every case be
repeated ".


1. Carbolised killed fixed virus in a total dosage of 0.7 gramme administered
intracutaneously over 14 consecutive days proved wholly successful in protecting
eight human beings bitten by rabid wolves.

2. Anti-rabies immunity was established at the time when rabicidal antibodies
first became demonstrable in the patient's serum.


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