Report of the Proceedings of the 4th World's Poultry Congress, at the Crystal
Palace, London, England : July 22-30,1930, Pp. 1023.—(His Majesty's Stationery
Office, London : 1931.) Price 10 s. 6 d. net.

The official report of the 4th World's Poultry Congress recently published is a
mine of authentic information on the latest advances in Poultry Husbandry and
should be read by all who are interested in the scientific development of the

The report of the proceedings is conveniently divided into six sections, inclu-
ding that devoted to rabbits, viz. :

Section A.—Breeding and Incubation.

Section B.—Nutrition and Rearing.

Section C.—Diseases and their Control.

Section D.—Economics (including Marketing).

Section E.—Education and General.

Section F.—Rabbits.

In each section valuable papers, by experts of world-wide reputation, will be
found which will well repay careful study by a wider public than those interested
solely in poultry. For instance, the article by Dumon on the effects of In-breeding
is a most valuable study of this much debated subject and the conclusions drawn
therefrom might well be applied by breeders of live-stock of other sorts, in order to
minimize the ill-effects of in-breeding, which, in spite of its inherent dangers, has
undoubtedly rendered great service in forming our modern breeds of live-stock.

The sections dealing with Nutrition, Diseases, and Economics in poultry hus-
bandry are equally meritorious and should be of great practical value to all who
are interested in any section of Animal Husbandry. [A. O.]

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