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with clinical material from the point of view of the practitioner. The ground
covered by the Tropical Veterinary Bulletin will be included, and, in addition, the
diseases of temperate climates will be given full consideration. The subjects dealt
with will be classified under the following headings :—

1. Diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.

2. Diseases caused by protozoan parasites.

3. Diseases caused by filterable viruses.

4. Diseases caused by metazoan parasites.

5. Diseases, general.

6. Diseases related to nutritional and metabolic factors.

7. Diseases related to genetical factors.

8. Invertebrate vectors of disease.

9. Public health.

10. Mineral and plant poisoning.

11. Specific drug therapy.

12. Miscellaneous.

13. Official and other reports.

14. Book reviews.

Some of the above headings will be dealt with very fully. The subjects which
are regarded as major ones from the point of view of the Bureau, are Nos. 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 9, 10, 13 and 14. The other headings will be dealt with only to the extent to
which articles of special interest in relation to animal health are published.

The Veterinary Bulletin will be of crown quarto size, 9¾ in. × 7¼ in., and Volume I
will run to about 384 pages, including the index. The four parts of Volume I will
be issued this year on April 1st, July 1st, October 1st and December 1st respec-
tively. The subscription will be £1 for the volume, or 7 s. 6 d. per copy, payable
in advance, post free to any part of the world. From January 1st, 1932, the
journal will be published monthly, and the volume will run to about 600 pages,
including the index.

It will be published from this Bureau, the office of which is quite distinct from
that of the Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Laboratory, although in the same
building. To avoid delay, all communications should be addressed to the Imperial
Bureau of Animal Health, Veterinary Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries, Weybr dge, Surrey, England.

Cheques, Postal or Money Orders, should be made payable, not to any individual
by name
, but to the order of the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health, and crossed
Westminster Bank, Ltd., Addleston Branch. Bank Notes or Treasury Notes
should only be sent by Registered Post. Postage stamps cannot be accepted.