
                           G. A. AJWANI, M.Sc., D.V.M., D.V.H.,

Officiating Lecturer in Pathology and Bacteriology, Madras Veterinary College,


                           R. VENKATARAMA AYYAR, G.M.V.C.,

                                    Pathological Assistant.

                  (Received for publication on the 9th December 1931.)


Dog, aged 4 years, in-patient No. 1137, belonging to Mr. Weston, was
admitted for treatment in the Veterinary College Hospital as in-patient on
the 27th August 1931 with the complaint that it was run over by a motor car. The
clinical diagnosis was shown as partial fracture of the hip. The animal died on the
28th August 1931 at 1 P.M.

                                       GROSS PATHOLOGY.

The autopsy was conducted on the same day at 2-45 P.M. There was presence
of contused wound under the buttocks with the subcutaneous hæmorrhage at the
scrotum. On opening the abdominal and thoracic cavities presence of 1½ lbs. of
sero-sanguineous fluid in the former and about 3 oz. of similar fluid in the latter was
found. The bladder was found acutely congested and a punctured wound about
¾" in length was present inferiorly and clotted blood of semi-solid consistency was
seen escaping from the rupture. The bladder further presented a number of peeled

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