It will be noticed from this table of comparison that the schistosomes found in
cases of nasal granuloma agree in almost all respects with S. spindalis, Montgomery,
1906. A very slight difference is, however, noticed in the dimensions of the body.
The schistosomes of nasal granuloma fail to reach the maximum size attained by
the other schistosomes. This is governed, in all probability by the site of infection.
It is but natural to expect the worms growing in a tough tissue like the nasal
septum do not get so much scope for developing as they do in the portal system or
mesenteric veins. Apart from this the question of the age of the parasites cannot
altogether be ignored.

Another noticeable point of difference is the number of testes. In Montgo-
mery's specimens they are described as varying from 6—7, while in the nasal
granuloma specimens their number varies from 3—6. It may be possible that
Montgomery's observations were confined to the examination of very few specimens
so that he would not notice such a range of variation in this respect, or perhaps all
the specimens that he happened to examine had coincidentally 6 or 7 testes. It is,
moreover, a significant fact that the number of testes in this genus shows a large
degree of variations. The following statement regarding the number of testes in the
existing species of the genus may be instructive :—


No. of testes.

S. hæmatobium . . . . . .


S. mansoni . . . . . .


S. japonicum . . . . . .


S. bovis . . . . . . .


S. indicum . . . . . .

5—12 (See description of
this species below.)

S. rodhaini . . . . . .


It will be evident from this that to the question of the number of testes cannot
be attached much importance; moreover, in the specimens in question the degree of
variation is not so great as is found in the case of S. indicum. As a matter of fact
S. bovis shows the same range variation in respect of the testes.

No other point of difference can be made out between the species S. spindalis
and the Schistosome found in nasal granuloma tissue. It may therefore be concluded
that the schistosome found in the tissue of bovine naeal granuloma in India belongs
to the species S. spindalis, Montgomery, 1906.