FROM THE DOMESTIC FOWL


                         G. D. BHALERAO, M.Sc,

Helminthologist, Imperial Institute of Veterinary Research, Muktesar.

              (Received for publication on 8th August 1932.)
                           (With three text-figures.)
The material available for study consists of two collections from the crop of
fowls in Lucknow made by Capt. S. G. H. Hickey, Director, Civil Veterinary De-
partment, United Provinces, and I take this opportunity of expressing my indeb-
tedness to Capt. Hickey for forwarding the specimens to this Institute for examina-

The worms are filiform and whitish in colour. The cuticle has transverse
annulations on it. The anterior end of the body is covered with cuticular bosses
or plaques. On each side of the anterior end is a narrow lateral membrane which
gradually narrows down and disappears quickly. A large plate-like shield in con-
nection with the excretory pore found in G. ingluvicola [Ransom, 1904], is not
present in this species. The mouth is surrounded by a chitinous collar and six
papillæ. It leads into a short, cylindrical buccal capsule. The œsophagus is
divided into a short, thin, colourless, muscular portion and a long, thick, yellowish
portion whose walls are glandular. The cervical papillæ are situated at the
posterior end of the nerve band. The " semilunar depressions " referred to as
suckers by Stiles [1892] or the thickenings of the cuticle as described by Baylis
[1925], situated at a short distance from the mouth are absent.

Male.—The length is 18.3—21.6* and the greatest thickness which is attained
somewhat in front of the caudal end is 0.21—0.29. The cuticular bosses extend
to a distance of 0.62—0.67 from the anterior end. The cephalic portion of the
body up to a short distance behind the posterior end of the buccal capsule is free
from the cuticular bosses. These latter are of unequal size and lie scattered
anteriorly. Posteriorly to this they are disposed in four irregularly longitudinal
lines in each quadrant, the arrangement in the male being different from the one
described in the case of G. ingluvicola. The buccal capsule is 0.03—0.04 long.
The muscular anterior portion of the œsophagus measures about 0.43 in length
and the glandular posterior one 2.58. The nerve ring is situated at a distance of

                  * All measurements in millimeters.