
      1.  The results of serum-simultaneous inoculation carried out in 98 calves of
various indigenous and European × indigenous breeds are reported together with
the results of immunity tests carried out at various intervals.

      2.  The serum-simultaneous inoculation of calves under 4 months old is con-
sidered to be of little practical value.

      3.  The serum-simultaneous inoculation of calves four months old and upwards
is recommended as economical. Better results can be obtained if the virus inocula-
tion is repeated 12-18 months after the serum-simultaneous inoculation.

      4.  The severity of the reaction at the time of immunisation as judged by the
presence or absence of clinical symptoms did not give any indication of the dura-
tion of immunity within the maximum test period (4 years). All calves showing a
reaction which could be definitely attributed to rinderpest were immune for this


      The experiments recorded in this article were planned and carried out under
the direction of Dr. J. T. Edwards, D.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., late Director of this
Institute, to whom we tender our acknowledgments.

      ;We also desire to thank Mr. H. Cooper, M.R.C.V.S., for guidance in the
execution of the work, and Mr. J. R. Haddow, B.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., D.V.S.M.,
for assistance in the preparation of the records.


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