workers and it is claimed that recrudescence of fertility, sexual potency and an
enhancement of bodily functions generally takes place. Recently Lebedinsky [1931]
has shown that a number of phenomena of senility are to a great extent abolished
by tearing and compressing the testicular tissue and that these effects are maintained
for 9½ months. It is suggested that the effects are due to blocking up of the
contents of the seminiferous tubules in the testes like those of vasoligation, ligature
of the epididymis and vasectomy.

In cases of inflammatory conditions of the genitalia [Dimock and Snyder, 1924],
or even in cases of defective sperms, a complete sexual rest for varying periods may
be tried. A case is on record where after a complete sexual rest of 25 days, another
sample was obtained which showed a remarkable improvement in the staining
qualities, whereas the previous samples showed only degenerate sperms.


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