
                               THE MAYNARD-GANGA RAM PRIZE.


Applications are invited for "The Maynard-Ganga Ram Prize " of the value
of Rs. 3,000 which will be awarded for a discovery, or an invention, or a new
practical method tending to increase agricultural production in the Punjab on a
paying basis. The prize is open to all, irrespective of caste, creed or nationality
and Government servants are also eligible for it. Essays and theses are not eligible
for competition and applicants should prove that some part of their discovery,
invention, etc., is the result of work done after the prize was founded in 1925. The
Managing Committee reserves to itself the right of withholding or postponing the
prize, if no satisfactory achievement is reported to it. All applications in competi-
tion for the next award should reach the Director of Agriculture, Punjab, Lahore,
on or before the 31st December, 1933.

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In 1925 the late Sir Ganga Ram, Kt., C.I. E., M.V.O., R. B., Lahore, with
that generosity for which he was so well known, handed over to the Punjab Govern-
ment a sum of Rs. 25,000 for the endowment of a prize of the value of Rs. 3,000
to be called the Maynard-Ganga Ram Prize and to be awarded every three years,
for a discovery, or an invention, or a new practical method which will tend to increase
agricultural production in the Punjab on a paying basis. The competition is open
to all throughout the world. Government servants are also eligible to compete for

Applications for the next award were invited by the 31st December, 1932. The
response was, however, poor and it has been decided by the Managing Committee
of the above-mentioned prize that the award should be postponed for another
year and that further applications should reach the Director of Agriculture. Punjab,
Lahore, on or before the 31st December, 1933.


A post-graduate class will be held at the Bihar and Orissa Veterinary College
as last year from 1st July, 1933, for the advanced training of Veterinary graduates
in (1) Pathology and Bacteriology including Parasitology and post-mortem tech-
nique, (2) Histology, (3) Veterinary Hygiene, Dietetics and Genetics, (4) Meat and
Milk inspection and (5) Veterinary Medicine including parasitic, contagious and
inanition diseases. The course will be for six months only, for which a sum of
Rs. 60 will be charged as tution fee and Rs. 10 as admission fee. Seat rent for the
hostel will be at the rate of Rs. 5 per month.

Private candidates desiring admission should apply to the Principal, Bihar and
Orissa Veterinary College on or before the 15th June, 1933 with the original
diploma and a certificate of character.

Further particulars, if required, may be obtained on application from the
