CONGENITAL BLINDNESS OF CALVES.                          263

may not be accurate for the early years but I know that from 1st April 1929 to 31st
March 1930 no calf was born blind at this Farm. I also attach a statement showing
details of parentage of all calves born blind or going blind at Quetta—1st April
1931 to 31st March 1932. As it may be of interest I attach statements showing
grain and fodder and minerals fed during the years 1927-28, 1928-29 and 1929-30,
also an analysis of the fodder fed during these years. The kirby was obtained
from Upper Sindh, bhoosa from the Quetta Valley. Gram and cake fed at Quetta
are from the same sources as fed on our other dairies. Bran usually comes from the
mill at Shikarpur, Upper Sindh.

Soil analysis is given for comparison :—




Ferozepore ........



Gambar (Montgomery) ........



Quetta ........



Rawalpindi ........



Jullundur ........



Ambala ........



From 1st April 1932 to date 46 calves have been born blind at the Government
Military Dairy, Quetta, of which 18 were blind at birth, i.e., 39.1 per cent. There
is a slight indication that the percentage of calves born blind is higher in the spring,
i.e., in cows carrying their calves during the winter. This year the number of blind
calves having other defects such as twisted necks, unable to stand or even sit up has
markedly increased.

Two cases of calves going blind after birth are of special interest as the dams
had never been in Quetta until within a few days of calving. Calf " Hatim " born
15th September 1931 en route from Gambar (Montgomery District) to Quetta, —
dam a half-bred — was purchased as a heifer at Pusa and remained at the Young
Stock Farm, Gamber, until about to calve for first time, when she was railed to
Quetta. " Hatim " was born in the train and went blind at Quetta at the age of
5 months.

Calf " Haif " born 14th February 1931 at Quetta — dam countrybred cow —
born at Ferozepore on 15th November 1928, transferred from Gambar to Quetta in
calf on 15th September 1931. " Haif " went blind on 15th February 1932 at the
age of 4½ months.

Two other interesting cases are those of heifers "Hazir" and "Half".
" Hazir " born in Quetta, a heifer calving for the first time, arrived in Quetta on 6th
May 1932 having spent the last six months at Ruk (Upper Sindh) where she had
plenty of green food. Calved 16th May 1932. Calf blind at birth and up to date
this is the only first calf to be born blind.