University Endowments for Research.—Certain of these are open to those who
hold University Degrees.


Jubilee Memorial Prize and Bursary.—This Bursary is awarded every four years
by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons on the results of a special examination.
The value is £140 and the Bursary is tenable for one year. Applicants, who must
have graduated as Members of the R.C.V.S. since the date of the last award, should
enter their names with the Secretary of the R.C.V.S., from whom all further in-
formation can be obtained.

                            AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL.

Two Veterinary Research Fellowships—Value £300 per annum. Open to holders
of the Diploma of M.R.C.V.S. and tenable for three years.

Nomination Forms and further information may be obtained on application to
the Secretary, Agricultural Research Council, 6A Deans Yard, Westminster, S.W.l.

Colonial Veterinary Scholarships.—Members of the R.C.V.S. are eligible for the
Colonial Veterinary Scholarships value £250 per annum, awarded for the purpose of
training suitable candidates in tropical veterinary medicine in preparation for
appointments in the Colonies. Applications must be addressed to the Director of
Recruitment (Colonial Services), Colonial Office, 2, Richmond Terrace, Whitehall,


                  Awarded by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

WALLEY MEMORIAL PRIZE.—Value £7 11 s. 4 d. Awarded each year in
October on the marks gained in the written examination in Pathology, Materia
Medica, and Hygiene, held in the preceding December and July.

WILLIAMS MEMORIAL PRIZE.—Value £9. Awarded each year in January on the
marks gained in the final examinations, held in the preceding July and December.

FITZWYGRAM PRIZES.—Value, 1st Prize : £57 10s. 2nd Prize: £34 10s.
(approximate values). Awarded each year in October to the two successful Candi-
dates at the final examinations., held in the preceding session's examinations, who
have gained the highest and second highest aggregate of marks at all the profes-
sional examinations. No candidate who has been rejected at an examination is
eligible for these Prizes.