CROSS-BREEDING FOR MILK                              329

In the F.3 group above, 2 cows in their first lactation gave 1,100 lb. of milk and
these lactations have been omitted. In two dry periods 2 cows were dry for 272
and 349 days respectively and these two periods have been omitted in the

The average daily yield of milk from date of first calving to date of last
calving including dry periods over all cows is :—

Sindhi cows











7.2 lb.

F. 1 cows .











12.7 lb.

F. 2 cows .











10.5 lb.

F. 3 cows .











10.4 lb.

It is thus seen that all the cross-bred cows give on the average from 3 to 5 lb. milk
more per day from date of first calving to date of last calving. The F.3 cows
have not attained their best, their average lactations being 2.5 as against 4 and
3.9 in F.1 and F.2 respectively.

                                                 F. 1 cows.

In this herd 3 cows had extraordinarily long lactations. In two cases, cows
aborted after 6 months in milk. The length of their lactations were long and
these account for the large number of days in milk for this herd.

Three out of 23 cows have yielded less milk on the average per lactation than
the Sindhis. The highest yield in a single lactation omitting abnormal cases is
cow No. 8 with 9,732 lb. and a daily average of 28.9 lb. This cow in 7 lactations
has averaged 6.574 lb. milk with a daily average of 21.7 lb. (This is omitting one
lactation of 1,150 lb. when the cow was sick.) Cow No. 1 is another good animal
with an average for 8 lactations of 5,885.6 lb. and a daily average of 18.1 lb. She
gave 50½ lb. milk per day at her maximum. Cow No. 14 had abnormal lactations,
she aborted in two cases after six months in milk ; she gave 12,731 lb. milk in 950
days with a daily average of 13.4 lb. and 10,820 1b. milk in 894 days with a daily
average of 121 lb. She had a very difficult parturition in the second calving and
she became sterile. Cow No. 113 aborted about 7 months after calving and she
had an abnormal period, she gave 17.092 lb. milk in 810 days with a daily average
of 21.1 lb.

Fifty per cent. of these cows have given over 6,000 lb. milk in a lactation.
This herd on the whole is much superior to the Sindhi herd in milk yield and daily

                                                 F. 2 Cows.

Taking the whole herd, the average yield per lactation is less than that of the
Sindhis, but if the 4 low yielders in the F.2 are omitted, the average yield for 19
