effects of the drugs, as evidenced by an improvement in the general
        condition of the animals, were noticeable even during the progress of the

While the foregoing experiments were in progress at Sohawa the combined
naganol-emetic treatment was also being subjected to an official trial at the
Sheikhupura surra centre. Thirty-four ponies were selected for this trial and re-
covery was obtained in as many as 11 animals, although the majority of the cases
were in an advanced stage of the disease. These results were distinctly encouraging
so that attention was henceforward exclusively confined to perfecting this method
of treatment.

In 1927-28, the efficacy of this method was further tested on 142 camels, and
out of these 137 were cured, 4 died while under treatment and 1 was destroyed on
account of a fractured leg. Reports received 3 months later from the owners of
these 137 camels showed that, with the exception of one animal that had died from
causes other than surra, all were alive and performing normal work.

In the same year, 114 ponies at four centres were likewise subjected to this
method of treatment, and out of these, 100 were discharged as cured.

The year 1928-29 was a comparatively dry year and cases of surra were, there-
fore, not so numerous as during previous years. Only 31 camels and 109 ponies
arrived for treatment at different centres in the province, and out of these 27
camels and 102 ponies were cured and discharged, 2 camels died while under treat-
ment and 7 ponies were sold by their owners before the completion of the treatment.
According to reports received at a later date from their owners, all of the 129 animals
discharged as cured were alive and the majority had gained in weight.

In view of equally successful results from a further series of experiments on the
same lines, the following method of treatment was ultimately drawn up for routine
use under field conditions in the Punjab and is still being adhered to.

Intravenous injections to be carried out at intervals of four or five days in the
following approximate dosage :—


1 per cent. solution of naganol . . . . . . .


1 per cent. solution of tartar emetic . . . . . . .


1.5 per cent. solution of tartar emetic . . . . . . .


1.5 per cent. solution of naganol . . . . . . .


2 per cent. solution of tartar emetic . . . . . . .


2.5 per cent. solution of tartar emetic . . . . . . .


2 per cent. solution of naganol . . . . . . .