The increase in the dosage is not a fixed one, but depends upon the condition
of the animal, and symptoms, if any, caused by the previous dose. The full course
of treatment occupies approximately one month.

During the years 1929-34, a total of 13,561 animals were treated at surra
centres by the naganol-emetic method as outlined above, with the following results.
It has been recently computed that 57 horses and 53 camels were definitely traceable
as relapsed cases out of the total number treated.

Surra season

Number of animals

Number of animals

Number of animals
that died while
under treatment


1929-30 . {

Camels . 99
Horses . 386

Camels . 93
Horses . 355

Camels . 6
Horses . 31

1930-31 . {

Camels . 470
Horses . 1,435

Camels} 1751

Camels . 15
Horses . 139

1931-32 . {

Camels . 676
Horses . 1,965

Camels } . 2379

Camels } 262

1932-33 . {

Camels . 616
Horses . 1,510

Camels } . 1914

Camels } 212

1933-34 . {

Camels . 3,623
Horses . 2,781

Camels . 3584
Horses . 2595

Camels . 40
Horses . 185

In the case of those animals which were discharged as cured, reports received
from their owners showed that they were practically all alive and in good condition :
some months after treatment and as a further check on the results of surra treat-
ment at the different surra centres regular inspections of cured cases are being made
by the Director of Veterinary Services in the course of his tours.

In view of these strikingly successful results, the naganol-emetic treatment had
rapidly gained in popularity and in the surra season of 1933-34, as many as 39
centres for surra treatment were open in different parts of the province.

It will be observed that the schedule of treatment, as outlined above, involves
a total of seven injections spread over 31 days. In view of the disadvantages of
this prolonged, although otherwise very effective, method of treatment, efforts are
being made to reduce the number of injections. Some preliminary trials have
already been carried out in this direction and although the results of these offer
