have failed to pass into the crop and was coughed out, although no trace of pyre-
thrum could be found in the dropping-pan.

The efficacy of pyrethrum against Ascaridia lineata, based on the worm total,
was found to be 95.14 per cent. A total of 333 Ascaridia lineata were moved from
the 30 birds treated and 17 were found at post-slaughter examination. The largest
number of worms were removed in the first twelve hours following treatment, 132
being recovered. At the end of 24 hours, an additional 108 worms were recovered
and 93 were passed between the 24th and 72nd hours.

The foregoing data indicate that pyrethrum (containing 0.8 per cent. pyre-
thrin) has a high efficiency in removing Ascaridia lineata from the chicken. It
has an added advantage in that no purgative is required.

It is quite possible that pyrethrum may be found to be highly efficient against
other species of parasites. Tests are being conducted to determine its efficiency
against tapeworms infecting the chicken.


Powdered pyrethrum in doses of 200 miligrams, containing 0.8 per cent. pyre-
thrin, was administered to 30 adult chickens, to determine the efficiency of the drug
in removing Ascaridia lineata. The droppings of each bird, voided over a period of
72 hours following treatment, were examined for Ascaridia lineata. These birds
were then killed and examined for the presence of Ascaridia lineata. Twenty-four
birds eliminated all Ascaridia lineata following treatment and only one bird failed
to pass worms. Five birds passed Ascaridia lineata but did not completely elimi-
nate them. The efficacy of pyrethrum against Ascaridia lineata, based on a worm
total, was found to be 95.14 per cent.


1  Ginsburg, J. M. Pyrethrum, its value in exterminating insects. N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 272
2  Staundiger, H., and Ruzicka, L. Ueber Isollerung and Konstitution des wirksamen Telles des dal-
matinischen Insectenpulvers. Helv. Chim. Acta (1922), 4, p. 17.
3  Chevalier, J. Le pyrethre, nouvel anthelmintique vermicide. C ompt. Rend. Acad. Med. (April
24, 1928).
4  Urbain, A., and Guillot, G. Sur les pyrethrines. Leur emploi en medccine veterinaire. Rev. de
Path. Comp. (May, 1931).