Page 119, line 3 from bottom, '*' should be deleted.

Page 141, line 12 from bottom—Correct 'Streplococcus' into

Page 143, Table 1, 3rd column—Correct'(0.40 a/c) into '(0.40%)'.
Page 150, line 15 from bottom—Correct 'Bull 63' into 'Bull. 63'.
Page 150, line 4 from bottom—Correct 'S Ø ncke' into 'SØneke'.
Page 151, line 19, Correct 'ac-count' into 'account'.
Page 187, Table III, 7th Column, insert * after "Average Degree of

Page 211, line 3, insert one full stop (.) after Husbandry, for
Comma (,).