The following notice has been received from the Principal, Bihar Veterinary
College, Patna :—

A Post-Graduate class will be held at the Bihar Veterinary College from 1st July,
1936, for the advanced training of Veterinary Graduates in (1) Pathology and Bacte-
riology including Parasitology and Postmortem technique, (2) Histology, (3) Veteri-
nary Hygiene, Dietetics and Genetics, (4) Meat and Milk Inspection and (5) Veterinary
Medicine including parasitic, contagious and inanition diseases. The course will be
for three months only for which a sum of Rs. 30 will be charged as tuition fee and
Rs. 10 as admission fee. Seat rent for the hostel will be at the rate of Rs. 5
per month.

Private candidates desiring admission should apply to the Principal, Bihar
Veterinary College, on or before the 15th June, 1936.

Further particulars, if required, may be obtained on application from the