1. Agriculture and Live-stock in India.

A bi-monthly Journal of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry for the general reader
interested in Agriculture or Live-stock in India or the Tropics.(Established 1931. Pub-
lished in January, March, May, July, September and November. Prepayable subscription.
Rs. 6 or 9s. 9d. per annum inclusive of Indian postage. Price per part Rs. 2 or 3s. 6 d.
inclusive of Indian postage.) Volumes I to V complete are available.

                    2. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Science.

A bi-monthly Scientific Journal of Agriculture and the allied sciences, mainly
devoted to the publication of the results of original research and field experiments
(Established 1931. Published in February, April, June, August, October and December,
Prepayable subscription Rs. 15 or 24s. per annum inclusive of Indian postage. Price per
part Rs. 3 or 5s. 3d. (inclusive of Indian postage.) Volumes I to V complete are avail-

            3. The Indian Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.

A quarterly Journal for the publication of scientific matter relating to the health,
nutrition and breeding of live-stock. (Established 1931. Published in March, June,
September and December. Prepayable subscription Rs. 6 or 9s. 9d. inclusive of Indian
postage. Price per part Rs. 2 or 3s. 6 d. inclusve of Indian postage.) Volumes I to V
complete are available.

            4. Scientific Monographs of the Imperial Council of Agriculture Research.


No. 1. The Fungi of India, By E. J. Butler, C.I.E., D.Sc., M.B.,
F.R.S. and G. R. Bisby, Ph.D. (1931). Price Rs. 6-12-0
or 11s. (As. 8.)


No. 2. Life-histories of Indian Microlepidoptera, Second series
Alucitidae (Pterophoridae, Tortricina and Gelechiadae),
By T. Bainbrigge Fletcher, R. N., F.L.S., F.E.S., F.Z.S.
(1932). Price Rs. 3-4-0 or 5 s. 6 d. (As. 6.)


No. 3. The Open Pan System of White-Sugar Manufacture, By R. C.
Srivastava, B.Sc. (1935, 2nd edition). Price Rs. 3-2-0 or
5 s. 6 d. (As. 9.)


No. 4. Life-histories of Indian Microlepidoptera : Cosmopterygidae
to Neopseustidae, By T. Bainbrigge Fletcher, R. N., F.L.S.,
F.E.S., F.Z.S. (1933). Price Rs. 4-8-0 or 7 s. 6 d. (As. 8.)


No. 5. The Bombay Grasses, By E. J. Blatter, S. J., Ph.D., F.L.S.
and C. McCann, F.L.S. Illustrated by R. K. Bhide. Price
Rs. 20-12-0 or 32s. 6 d.


No. 6. Helminth Parasites of the Domesticated Animals in India,
By G. D. Bhalerao, M.Sc. Price Rs. 7-12-0 or 13s. 3d.


No. 7. Influence of Manures on the Wilt Disease of Cajanus indicus
Spreng. and the isolation of Types Resistant to the Disease,
By W. McRae, M.A., D.Sc.(Edin.), F.L.S. and F.J.F. Shaw,
D. Sc. (Lond.), A.R.C.S., F.L.S. (1933). Price Rs. 2-4-0
or 4s. 3d. (As. 5.)


No. 8. The Silk Industry of Japan with Notes on Observations in the
United States of America, England, France and Italy
By C. C. Ghosh, B.A., F.E.S. (1933). Price Rs. 4 or 6s.
9 d. (As. 7.)


No. 9. Mechanical Cultivation in India. A History of the Large-
Scale Experiments carried out by Burmah-Shell Oil Storage
and Distributing Company of India Ltd., By C. P. G.
Wade. Price Rs. 3-14-0 or 6 s. 6 d.

No. 10. Spotted Boll-worms in South Gujarat, By Messrs. B. P.
Deshpande, and N. T. Nadkarney, (In the Press.)

     5. Miscellaneous Bulletins of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research.


No. 1. List of Publications on Indian Entomology (1930), By the
Imperial Entomologist, Pusa. Price As. 14 or 1 s. 6 d.
