105.8° F. and it was dull and unable to feed or move. It died nearly
36 hours later. Post-mortem examination revealed a fairly large
number of dead schistosomes in the veins of the nasal mucous
membrane, in the clot of blood in the heart cavities and in the pul-
monary arteries. The endocardium was inflamed in places and there
was effusion in the pericardial sac. The mucous membrane of the
abomasm and the small intestines was slightly congested in small
patches in about 3 or 4 places.

Group B.—This group contained four animals which were treated with Anti-
mosan, kindly supplied in the form of a 6.3 per cent solution by Messrs. Havero
Trading Co., Ltd.

Bullock No. 5.—Weight 260 lbs. Age 12 years. Duration of disease 2
years. It had mild lesions in the nose, with intense snoring. There
were, on an average, 42 ova in 0.1 c.c. of the nasal discharge. It
was injected with 5 c.c. of the solution (or 2 c.c. per 100 lbs. body-
weight) on alternate days till four injections were given. In all
20 c.c. (or roughly 18 grains of antimosan) were given. Dark and
dead ova began to appear in the nasal discharge from the 4th day
onwards. In the course of a fortnight, the symptoms abated and
at the end of a month, ova disappeared. On the fifth week, ova
reappeared though the animal looked apparently cured. It was
then injected with antimony tartarate at 2 grains per 100 lbs. body-
weight on alternate days until three injections were given. The
ova disappeared and lesions healed completely in the course of three
weeks. At the end of the period of observation, the animal was
perfectly healthy and weighed 398 lbs.

Bullock No. 6.—Weight 280 lbs. Age 6 years. Duration of disease 2 years.
This animal had large lesions and intense snoring. The average
number of ova was 7 in 0.1 c.c. of the nasal discharge. It was
injected with 12.5 c.c. (or 5 c.c. per 100 lbs. body-weight) twice
a week, till four injections were given. In all, it received 50 c.c.
(or roughly 48 grains) of the drug in two weeks. From the fifth day,
dark and dead ova began to appear and all the symptoms disappeared
at the end of the period of observation. The animal weighed 397 lbs.

Bull No. 7.—Weight 252 lbs. Age 4 years. Duration of disease one year.
This animal showed small lesions with very little snoring. There
were, on an average, 16 ova in 0.1 c.c. of the nasal discharge. It was
injected with 18.75 c.c. (or 7 c.c. per 100 lbs. body-weight) weekly
till two doses were given. In all it received 37.5 c.c. (or 36 grains
of antimosan in two weeks). Four days after the first injection,
dark and dead ova commenced to appear and all ova disappeared,