the course of treatment and became weak and emaciated. On the
26th April it was injected with 5 grains of tartar emetic. It reacted
severely after this injection. The animal was dull, off-feed, and
unsteady in gait though the temperature was normal. This condition
lasted for five days. A week later, it was again injected with the
same dose of tartar emetic.

Even this dose caused a reaction lasting for four days. Within
three weeks after the last injection the ulcers in the nose and ova
in the nasal discharge disappeared and the animal was found cured
at the close of the experiments. Its weight was then found to be
325 lbs.

Bullock No. 9.—Weight 210 lbs. Age 4 years. Duration of disease 2 years.
It showed small but numerous lesions on the nasal mucous mem-
brane and snoring was not pronounced. The average number of
ova in 0.1 c.c. of nasal discharge was 84. This animal was injected
intravenously with 10 grains of Trypaflavin in 20 c.c. of water on
the 18th of March, followed by one gram of the drug in a pint of
water administered orally on the 20th, 22nd and 27th March. There
was no improvement nor disappearance of ova and it suffered from
hepatitis as in the previous instance. After observation for a period
of seven weeks it was injected with antimony tartarate at 2½ grains
per 100 lbs. body-weight on the 9th, 14th and 16th May. On the
13th May, dead and disintegrated ova began to appear and ova
disappeared completely from the 17th May onwards. No lesions
were to be seen in the nose from the 30th May. The animal was
found to be cured at the end of the period of observation and weighed
338 lbs.

Heifer No. 10.—Weight 168 lbs. Age 2 years. Duration of disease 9
months. This animal had large lesions and intense snoring. There
were on an average 9 ova in 0.1 c.c. of the nasal discharge. It was
treated with one gram of Trypaflavin in a pint of water given as a
drench daily till 5 doses were given. No improvement was notice-
able during a period of 4 weeks. It did not develop hepatitis like
the previous two, which received the drug intravenously. On the
26th April it was given an intravenous injection of antimony tar-
tarate at 3 grains per 100 lbs. body-weight and this dose was repeated
on the 29th April and again on the 1st May. The animal did not
react to this dose and all the symptoms abated in about a fortnight
later. This animal was found free from the disease and weighed
237 lbs. at the close of the experiments.
