SAHIWAL BULL ' MAHARAJ ' NO. 300 (PLATE XXIV)

This bull was born on the 27th January, 1920, of Raseeli No. 132, one of
our foundation cows, by Sahiwal bull Mansoor. His dam was a typical Sahiwal
cow with a natural disease-resistant constitution, who gave fourteen calves and
30,000 lb. of milk during her life time on the Farm. She lived twenty-two
years without any serious ailment and was a regular calver. It was decided to
keep this bull for stud purposes.

When Maharaj was three years old, he was tried with a number of cows for
service and failed utterly ; consequently he was sent uncastrated to the Agri-
cultural Section for draught purposes.

In 1932, he was brought back from the Farm and given the " detoxicated
urine treatment" and since then he is serving satisfactorily and so far he has
sired twenty-two calves, out of which eleven are heifer calves. His disease-
resistant faculty was tested this year during the outbreak of Foot and Mouth
disease. He was artificially infected with the infective saliva thrice, but he proved
absolutely immune and similar tests with his progeny also showed them naturally
resistant to the disease to a great extent.

His first heifer which was born on the 23rd December 1933, received bull
when she was one year, six months and thirteen days old. She has since calved,
developed a very good shape bag, and has given 2,122 lb. of milk in 107 days and
is giving about 16 lb. daily.

The average birth weight of his calves is 43.3 lb. and this shows that the
progeny he is producing is quite normal and there is not the least trace of lack
of stamina or reduction in size and conformation.

              SAHIWAL COW ' LACHMOHNI ' NO. 644 (PLATE XXV)

She calved for the first time on the 7th July, 1934, and did not come in oestrus
(heat) after the usual period of 150 days—time allowed for heavy milkers on this
farm for bulling. She was examined and finding the reproductive organs normal;
she was given the above treatment on the 2nd April 1935, and she came on heat
and received bull on the 2nd May, 1935. She completed her first lactation on
the 16th May 1935, with 5,191 lb. of milk in 306 days.

She calved again on the 15th February, 1936, has given 5,238 lb. of
milk in 172 days and is giving about 24 lb. per day.

Several similar cases have been successfully treated on this farm with the
detoxicated urine from pregnant cows.


1. Phillip, E. (1929). Zentralb F. Gynk, 2386.
2. Sayer, W. (1934). Agri. and Live-stock in Ind., 4, 105-126.