8                     Verminous Ophthalmia in Equines

infiltration and fibroblastic stimulation. The capillary blood vessels were
dilated and distended with blood. A few sections of microfilaria were also
seen at this junction.

The eyeballs from Nisri Jan showed evidence of verminous ophthalmia
characterised by the presence of distinct eosinophilia and a few sections of
microfilaria. In order that this finding may be confirmed or eliminated in
cases that occur at Coleyana, it was requested that from any future case
which may become available for destruction, the entire eyeballs and lachry-
mal glands be removed and despatched to this Institute for examination and

The affected eyeballs from three Brood mares Viola, Kronella and Momento
belonging to the Coleyana Stud Farm were also examined with the same
histological features, eosinophilic infiltration and the presence of microfilaria
in sections as those observed in the Probynabad animals. The eyeballs from
Brood mare Momento were sent to this Institute preserved in saline solution
and this fluid yielded no microfilaria on examination ; however, a few eosino-
phile leucocytes were seen in this fluid on examination. The corneal epi-
thelium in this animal showed only one layer of epithelial cells in some places
whereas elsewhere, the epithelium was found to be completely shed. Intense
eosinophilia, mononuclear infiltration of the sclera at its junction with the
cornea, and intense vascularity of the choroid coat were the other changes
observed. A few microfilariae were also seen in the sections and they were
situated in the Substantia propria of the cornea surrounded by a zone of
eosinophiles and fibroblasts. Smears of eye-discharge from affected cases
were examined many a time for microfilaria with negative results. Samples
of tears from affected cases were submitted to chemical examination and
it was found that the mineral content of the tears was abnormally high.

The finding of filarial parasites (larvae) in the materials from Probynabad
and Coleyana Farms indicates that the condition is one of verminous ophthal-
mia. With a view to determine the incidence of microfilariae in the eye-
balls of normal horse, a few eyeballs of healthy horses were examined for
microfilariae with negative results. Treatment with Antimosan and other
antimony preparations was recommended in these cases. There were two
fresh cases in the spring of 1936 and the symptoms shown were typical of
this type of ophthalmia and they were treated quite successfully with anti-
mosan. Neither of these two cases recurred.


During the recent years many different affections in horses caused by
filarial larvae have been recorded in literature. Lichen tropicus or khoojli
is a form of cutaneous microfilariasis affecting the horses in many parts of the
world and enquiries were made as to whether any of the affected animals
had ever shown lesions of khoojli on their skin with a view to correlate these
two conditions but it was found that this latter condition has never been parti-
cularly noted in these animals.