Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine

                                        10TH CONGRESS

THE Tenth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine
will be held at Hanoi (Address " Igesante ", Hanoi, Indochine) from the
24th to 30th November, 1938.

All licensed Medical, Dental and Veterinary practitioners are eligible
for membership. The membership fee for the period 1934-38 is £3 (or
Rs. 40-2-0) and should be paid to the Local Provincial Secretaries of the
Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, to whom the names of members
in their areas should be submitted. The members are also requested to in-
form the Local Secretaries whether they propose attending the Congress.
The titles of any papers which it is proposed to place before the Congress
should be submitted to the Local Secretaries at an early date. Arrange-
ments will be made for the reading at the Congress of any paper submitted
by a member who is unable to attend.

The Ninth Congress held at Nanking in 1934 decided that sections on
Food Problems and Sanitary Measures with reference to Sewage and Garbage
Disposal should also be added to the programme of the Tenth Congress.

Further information may be obtained from the Local Provincial Sec-
retaries or from Lt.-Col. G. Covell, M.D., D.P.H., D.T.M. & H., F.R.E.S.,
I.M.S., Director, Malaria Institute of India, and Local Secretary of the Far
Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine for Government of India, Kasauli,
Punjab, or the Honorary General Secretary, Far Eastern Association of
Tropical Medicine, Parapattan 10, Batavia (Centrum) Java.

