166                                       I. C. A. R. PUBLICATIONS

ICAR. 10.7

No. 7. Influence of Manures on the Wilt Disease of Cajanus indicus Spreng
and the Isolation of Types Resistant to the Disease, By W. McRae,
M.A., D.Sc. (Edin.), F.L.S. and F. J. F. Shaw, D.Sc. (Lond.), A.R.C.S.,
F.L.S. (1933). Price Rs. 2-4-0 or 4s. 3d.

ICAR. 10.8

No. 8. The Silk Industry of Japan with Notes on Observations in the United
States of America, England, France and Italy, By C. C. Ghosh, B.A.,
F.E.S. (1933). Price Rs. 4 or 6s. 9d .

ICAR. 10.9

No. 9. Mechanical Cultivation in India. A History of the Large-scale
Experiments carried out by Burmah-Shell Oil Storage and Distribut-
ing Company of India, Ltd., By C. P. G. Wade. (1935). Price Rs.
3-14-0 or 6s. 6d.

ICAR. 10.10

No. 10. The Spotted Boll-Worms of Cotton in South Gujarat, By B. P.
Deshpande and N. T. Nadkarny, B.Ag. (1936). Price Rs. 5-14-0
or 9s. 6d.

ICAR. 10.11

No. 11. Investigations on the Course and Distribution of the Nerves supply-
ing Levator anguli scapuli and Rhomboideus muscles and the form-
ation of the Phrenic Nerve in the Ox, with Observations on certain
Anatomical Deviations, By H. N. Chelva Ayyangar, G.M.V.C. (1937).
Price Rs. 4-10-0 or 7s. 9d.

ICAR. 10.12

No. 12. The Fungi of India. Supplement I. By B. B. Mundkur. (In the

5. Miscellaneous Bulletins of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research

ICAR. 8.1

No. 1. List of Publications on Indian Entomology, 1930, By the Imperial
Entomologist, Pusa. (1934). Price As. 14 or 1s. 6 d.

ICAR. 8.2

No. 2. List of Publications on Indian Entomology, 1931, By the Imperial
Entomologist, Pusa. (1934). Price As. 8 or l0d.

ICAR. 8.3

No. 3. List of Publications on Indian Entomology, 1932, By the Imperial
Entomologist, Pusa. (1934). Price As. 12 or 1s. 3d.

ICAR. 8.4

No. 4. Host Plant Index of Indo-Ceylonese Coccidae, By S. Ramachandran,
L.Ag. and T. V. Ramakrishna Ayyar, B.A., Ph.D., F.Z.S. (1934).
Price Rs. 1-10-0 or 2s. 9d.

ICAR. 8.5

No. 5. List of Publications on Indian Entomology, 1933, compiled by the
Imperial Entomologist, Pusa. (1935). Price As. 9 or 1s.

ICAR. 8.6

No. 6. Bee-keeping, By C. C. Ghosh, B.A., F.E.S. (3rd Edition.) (1936).
Price Rs. 1-14-0 or 3s. 3d.

ICAR. 8.7

No. 7. List of Publications on Indian Entomology, 1934, compiled by the
Imperial Entomologist, Pusa. (1935). Price Rs. 1-2-0 or 2s.

ICAR. 8.8

No. 8. Selected Clinical Articles, Part I, By G. K. Sharma, G.P.V.C. and
R. L. Kaura, B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S. (1936). Price As. 8 or l0d.

ICAR 8.9

No. 9. Statistical Methods and their Application to Agronomy : A biblio-
graphy, By K. K. Guha Roy. (1936). Price Rs. 2-2-0 or 4s.

ICAR. 8.10

No. 10. Diseases of Sugarcane and Methods for their Control, By L S.
Subramaniam. (1936). Price Rs. 1-14 or 3s. 3d.

ICAR. 8.11

No. 11. Tables of Standard Errors of Mendelian Ratios, compiled by Swarn
Singh Purewal, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Cornell) and P. Krishna Rao, L. Ag.
(1936). Price As. 12 or 1s. 3d.