I. C. A. R. PUBLICATIONS                                         167

ICAR. 8.12

No. 12. List of Publications on the Botany of Indian Crops, Part II, for
the period 1928-32, By R. D. Bose. (1936). Price Rs. 3-6-0 or 6s. 9d.

ICAR. 8.13

No. 13. Two New Statistical Tables based upon Fisher's ' t ', By M. Vaidya-
nathan, (1936). Price As. 6 or 8 d.

ICAR. 8.14

No. 14. List of Publications on Indian Entomology (1935), compiled by
the Imperial Entomologist, Pusa. (1937). Price Re. 1-4-0 or 2s.

ICAR. 8.15

No. 15. Selected Clinical Articles, Part II, By G.K. Sharma, G.P.V.C.,
R. L. Kaura. B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., S. Ganapathy Iyer, G.M.V.C.,
G. S. Khan, B.Sc. and S. Mangrulkar, M.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., D.T.V.M.
(EDIN.) (1937). Price Re. 1-4 or 2s.

ICAR. 8.15

No. 16. Indian Grazing Conditions and the Mineral Contents of some
Indian Fodders by P. E. Lander, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., I.A.S. (1937).
Price Rs. 3-14 or 6s. 9d.

ICAR. 8.17

No. 17. A Brief Survey of some of the Important Breeds of Cattle in India
by Col. Sir Arthur Olver, C.B., C.M.G., F.R.C.V.S., F.N.I. (1938)
Price Rs. 2 or 3s. 6 d.

ICAR. 8.18

No. 18. Milk Records of Cattle in Approved Dairy Farms in India by
K. P. R. Kartha. (In the Press.)

ICAR. 8.19

No. 19. A Preliminary Annotated List of the Fruit Pests of the North-
West Frontier Province by Hem Singh Pruthi, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Cantab.),
F.N.I., and H. N. Batra, B.Sc., Assoc. I. A. R. I. (In the Press.)

ICAR. 8.20

No. 20. Report on an Enquiry into the Cultivation of Cloves in India by
A. K. Yegna Narayana Iyer, M.A. (Cantab.), Dip. Agri. (In the Press.)

ICAR. 8.21

No. 21. Investigations on the Cold Storage of Mangoes by Dr. G. S. Cheema,
Dr. D. V. Karmarkar, M.Sc., Ph.D., A.I.I.Sc., and Mr. B. M. Joshi,
M.Sc. (In the Press.)

6. Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research

ICAR. 12.31

Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research for the
years 1929-30 and 1930-31. Price As. 12 or 1s. 3d.

ICAR. 12.32

Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research for the year
1931-32. Price As. 6 or 8 d.

ICAR. 12.33

Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research for the year
1932-33. Price As. 6 or 8 d. (Out of stock.)

ICAR. 12.34

Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research for the year
1933-34. Price Re. 1-8-0 or 2s. 6 d.

ICAR. 12.35

Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research for the year
1934-35. Price Re. 1 or 1s. 9d.

ICAR. 12.36

Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research for the year
1935-36. Price As. 14 or 1s. 6 d.

ICAR. 12.37

Annual Report of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research for the year
1936-37. Price Re. 1-2-0 or 2s.

7. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in India (called Review of Agricul-
tural Operations in India up to 1933)

ICAR. 9.29

Review of Agricultural Operations in India, 1928-29. Price Rs. 3-2-0 or
5s. 6 d. (Out of stock.)