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ICAR. 9.31

Review of Agricultural Operations in India, 1929-31. Price Rs. 5 or 8s.
3d .

ICAR. 9.33

Review of Agricultural Operations in India, 1931-33. Price Rs. 5-12-0 or
9s. 6 d.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in India, 1933-34 and 1934-35—

ICAR. 13-1-35

Part I.—Crop Production. Price Rs. 4-14-0 or 8s.

ICAR. 13-2-35

Part II.—Animal Husbandry. Price Re. 1 or 1s. 9d.

ICAR. 13.36

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in India, 1935-36. Price Rs. 4-10 or 7s. 9 d.

8. Proceedings of the Board of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry


Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Animal Husbandry Wing of the Board
of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry held at New Delhi from the 20th to 23rd
February 1933, with Appendices. Price Rs. 5-14-0 or 9s. 6d.


Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Crops and Soils Wing of the Board of
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in India held at Delhi from the 25th
February to the 2nd March 1935, with Appendices. Price Rs. 6 or 9s. 9 d.

9. Miscellaneous Publications

VRI. 1

A Description of the Imperial Institute of Veterinary Research, Muktesar, and
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Ware, F.R.C.V.S. Price Rs. 1-4-0 or 2s.


The Production of Cigarette Tobacco by Flue-curing, By F. J. F. Shaw, C.I.E.,
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ICAR. 16

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Report on the Work of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research in Apply-
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ICAR. 18

Report on the Development of the Cattle and Dairy Industries of India, By
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