
               S. VAITHIANATHA MUDALIAR, G. M. V. C.

                Assistant Lecturer, Madras Veterinary College


               K. S. GOPALAKRISHNA IYER, G. M. V. C.

       Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Madras Veterinary College.

                 (Received for publication on 30th March 1938.)

                        [With Plate XVI and two text-figures.]

INCIDENCE of adult cestodes in the pig appears to be very limited. The
cases on record so far are by Maplestone and Southwell [1923], Baylis [1927]
and Hall [1924]. Maplestone and Southwell [1923] described Paramoniezia
from an Australian wild pig. Baylis [1927] described Paramoniezia pha-
from an African wart hog and Pseudanoplocephala crawfordi obtained
from a wild pig in Ceylon. Hall [1924] appears to have recorded an undeter-
mined Anoplocephalid tapeworm in a pig in America. It is thus seen that no
adult tapeworms have so far been reported from India and hence this record of
a tapeworm from this part of India. In the last week of December 1937, a col-
lection of helminths of the pig was made by the writers and the worm to be
described belongs to that collection. In the museum of parasitological collec-
tions of this College, about half a dozen specimens of tapeworms from the
pig collected by M. Anant Narayan Rao and L. S. Parameshwara Iyer during
1932 and awaiting identification were also examined. All the specimens
resemble, in almost all details, the parasite P. crawfordi Baylis, 1927. A
description of the parasites is given below :

The worms measure from 21 to 31 cm. in length and 3 to 4 mm. in
width. The segments are wider than long in the anterior portion while there
is a tendency to an increase in the length at the posterior end of the
strobila. The gravid segments are very much contracted.
