The excretory system (Fig. 2) consists of a single pair of longitudinal canals
only, situated ventrally with no cross communication at the posterior end
of the segments. They are wide and wavy and measure 0.075 to 0.10 mm.
in width.

Genitalia.—There is a single set of reproductive organs in each segment.
A paired ovary with finger-like processes all round, a vitelline gland which
is also lobed, occupy the median, area of the segment. The vagina lies ventrally
to the cirrus which is lodged in a well-developed pouch or sac. The cirrus
is continued inwards into a fusiform vesicula seminalis into which the vasde-
ferens merges. The testes extend across the whole segment being more on the
aporal than on the poral side and vary from twenty-five to twenty-six in
number. The uterus is an elongated sac with many out-pockets and contains
ova (Plate XVI) measuring 0.10 mm.


The authors are indebted to Rao Sahib M. Anant Narayan Rao for his
valuable help and the drawings and to the college artist, Mr. Duraiswamy
Mudaliar for the microphotograph.


An adult tape worm so far undescribed from India is recorded in this
paper. This appears to be a fairly common worm infesting the intestines of
domestic pigs in South India.


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