DIRTY STAGNANT POOLS *


                                  R. N. NAIK, G.B.V.C.

              Veterinary Investigation Officer, Bombay Province

                  (Received for publication on 28th May 1938)

                                    (With two text-figures.)

ANTHRAX is a disease of great economic importance as it is enzootic in
various parts of India and is responsible, during certain seasons, for heavy
losses chiefly among horses, cattle, sheep and goats. It is also of importance
in comparative medicine as it is transmissible to human beings through handl-
ing of infected materials.

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

Fig. 1—Mortality by anthrax in cattle during thirty years ending 1934-35.

A study into the prevalence of this disease during the last thirty years in
the Bombay Province reveals that it is enzootically prevalent in almost all
districts of the Province and that there was a sharp rise and fall in the mortality

* Paper read at the 24th Session of the Indian Science Congress, held at Hyderabad
(Deccan), 1937.
