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This, it would appear, is a very important finding in the epizootiology of
Anthrax, inasmuch as water from stagnant pools has been proved to be the
source of natural infection of the disease perhaps for the first time in India and
that it will now be possible to check the occurrence of the disease especially
during summer by adopting suitable preventive measures.

This work has been carried out under the auspices of the Imperial Council
of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. The writer desires to express his grate-
fulness to Mr. E. S. Farbrother, M.R.C.V.S., I.V.S., Director of Veterinary
Services, Bombay Province, Poona under whose guidance this work has been
carried out. Thanks are also due to the Director, Imperial Veterinary Re-
search Institute, Mukteswar for the confirmation of the strain of B. anthracis
isolated by the writer from the stagnant pool.