252                          Micipsella indica, n. sp.

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

            Fig. 1 Micipsella indica n. sp. Tail end of male worm.

Male.—70 to 100 mm. long. The mouth, oesophagus, and the ornamen-
tation on the cuticle are as in the female. The tail end is spirally coiled and
the end is bluntly pointed. There are six to seven pairs of pre-anal and three
pairs of post-anal papillae. The spicules are short, subequal and dissimilar.
The left one is 0.14 mm. and the right one 0.11 mm. in length. The left
spicule has a distinct bulbous dilatation in its anterior third, the posterior
two-thirds being tubular. The left one is tubular throughout but widens out
somewhat at its distal extremity. The chitin of the posterior margin of each
spicule is thicker than the opposite side.

Table I shows the differences between the two species.

                                                  TABLE I

Name of worm

Cuticular ornamentation
along lateral



Micipsella numidica
[Seurat, 1917].

Two broad rows of
conspicuous bosses.
The tail of male is cover-
ed on both dorsal and
ventral surfaces with
minute papillae in addi-
tion to above mentioned

Sub-equal, similar.
Both have pointed

Two pairs.